Why Exhibit?

Why should you Exhibit?

Merchandise World is visited by leading professional distributors from across the UK & Ireland, the industry’s collective market spend is in excess of £1Billion.

The directors, management and sales and administration teams visiting are all significant promotional merchandise buyers, and you can choose to see them in a traditional exhibition format, or by appointment in a Conversation Area on your shell stand, or in a Conversation Pod.

Exhibitor Policy: To qualify to exhibit at Merchandise World exhibitors must either be Members of the BPMA, a paying Sourcing City Supplier, or Purple Club Member.

Why join the BPMA? – Being a BPMA Members supports the board of your Trade Association to work on behalf of our industry. You also receive a full range of valuable member benefits.

Why join Sourcing City Purple Club? – Members get over 25 benefits or discounts on Sourcing City services, all of which would be of significant value to your business.

To exhibit or to find out more about joining the BPMA and Purple Club, please contact us on info@merchandiseworld.co.uk, or call: 0844 504 5006 (Overseas Callers: +44 (0)1252 701034)

Merchandise World is visited by leading professional distributors from across the UK, Ireland and overseas, the UK industry’s collective market spend is in excess of £1Billion.

The directors, management and sales and administration teams visiting are all significant promotional merchandise buyers, and you can choose to see them in a traditional exhibition format or in a Conversation Pod.

Please contact us to chat through your options to exhibit at Merchandise World:

Ella or Liz will be happy to speak to you on 01252 224191 or info@merchandiseworld.co.uk

Exhibitor options at Merchanise World

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